The bird flapped, pecked and scratched away at the leading candidate for the Republican nomination, in what feels like an all-too-real metaphor for the current state of American politics.
Yep, you heard that right. Trump was attacked by the very symbol of the United States of America.

The real estate mogul turned TV personality turned presidential wannabe was posing with the bird for Time "Person of the Year" issue. The photographer, Martin Schoeller, thought that having Trump hold a 27-year-old bald eagle named "Uncle Sam" would make for a nice photo.

Last August, as Person of the Year runner-up Donald Trump was establishing himself as a real contender, the candidate agreed to pose with a bald eagle for a TIME cover story. The idea came from Martin Schoeller, the award-winning portrait photographer and frequent TIME contributor who shot the cover.
That's when the 27-year-old eagle leans down to try and take a little peck at Trump, though he doesn't make contact, as Trump dodges him.
Uncle Sam doesn't like people touching stuff on his desk. Sorry.
The results are a hilarious reaction shot of Trump next to America's symbol, trying to avoid an unwanted bite.
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